Pakistan reaffirms strong ties with Iran, addresses regional issues

January 26, 2024 - 21:37

TEHRAN – Pakistani Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has reaffirmed Pakistan's unwavering commitment to its ties with Iran, describing the neighboring country as a "friend and ally."

Kakar underscored Pakistan's unwavering support for Iran in addressing regional and international challenges.

He dismissed any notion of Islamabad engaging in activities that could jeopardize Iran's security.

The Pakistani prime minister highlighted Pakistan's efforts to address Tehran's security concerns, noting that Islamabad has extradited several terrorist elements to Iran to strengthen the security of both countries.

Kakar expressed optimism about further bolstering security cooperation between Iran and Pakistan through enhanced communication channels to counter common threats along their shared borders.

He emphasized that Iran remains a "friendly and brotherly country" and that there are no fundamental disagreements or strategic conflicts between the two nations.

On the issue of Palestine, Kakar reiterated Pakistan's unwavering support for the Palestinian cause and its refusal to recognize the Israeli regime. "Recognizing Israel would be morally, politically, and economically untenable for Pakistan," he asserted.

Kakar pointed to the past failures of normalization efforts with Israel, citing the example of the Abraham Accords, which he characterized as "fruitless."

He acknowledged the decision of some Arab states to normalize ties with Israel, but emphasized that Pakistan's stance on this issue remains firm. "Recognition of Israel does not align with Pakistan's interests, and we will never recognize it as a country," he declared.

Regarding relations with India, Kakar reiterated Pakistan's position that the resolution of the Kashmir dispute is the only path towards normalizing ties with New Delhi.

He expressed concern over Afghanistan's inaction in addressing Pakistan's security concerns, urging Kabul to play a more constructive role in promoting regional stability.

Concluding his remarks, Kakar denounced any compromise with the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), asserting that the terrorist group must surrender unconditionally. "Pakistan's armed forces and nation are ready to fight terrorism for the next 100 years if necessary," he declared.

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